Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No drinking!

So the last 2 days I have taken drinking out during meal times. Yes it sounds like a little thing but its not. They said after surgery I cant drink until 30-45 minutes after I eat. So as the drink sits there on the table for the kids it calls to me. It says "Lindsee come and get me, you know you want to have a little sip, what will it hurt just try me everyone is doing it!" Yes at this Point I have been the bigger person and not drank during meal times. Yes it is also getting easier, but my problem comes when I walk away from the table and think OK I'm good, then I forget to drink for hours and if I do this much longer then I will start getting dehydrated. I never realized how much of my drinking is done at the dinner table.
Kevin has been a big help, he is doing everything with me. So I called him at work to see how his lunch went with no drinking. Here is the conversation that we had.
Lindsee:So how was your lunch with no drink?
Kevin:......... (that means he was silent)
Lindsee:Well that tells me everything, you had a drink.
Kevin:Well see I forgot until I had a drink.
Lindsee:Thanks for the support.
As wonderful of a husband that I have, and as much as he is helping me. I do have to stand alone. But I will be VICTORIOUS!
Tomorrow I will be starting a protein shake in the mornings, wish me luck because I am NOT excited about it!

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